Why Host Your Site with Simple Pixels? 5 Reasons We Excel at Modern Website Hosting and Maintenance

Your website is the cornerstone of your online presence. It needs to be fast, secure, and reliable – otherwise, you’re missing out on potential leads. At Simple Pixels, we understand the common challenges businesses face when it comes to web hosting and maintenance, which is why our hosting and maintenance package stands out. We know what doesn’t work, and we’ve designed a hosting plan that eliminates these issues, entirely.

Why Our Hosting and Maintenance Plan is a Game Changer

We’ve seen it time and time again. Traditional development companies that make great sites but fall short in delivering a comprehensive hosting solution. Sure – these options may save you a couple of extra bucks each month, but at the cost of thousands of dollars worth of leads. Usually, they fall into one of these categories :

a) The one-man-band.
This dev hosts your site on either a cheap server they have set up on a rack somewhere or a cheap VPS. A great cost-effective solution, right? Not really. Usually, the designer/developer is the only point of contact that can access this server. Should something happen to them, or they just get sick of web maintenance (which trust us, happens far more than you would like!) – you’ll be in a world of pain. Not to mention, you need to be pretty confident in their technical abilities! Does your one-man-band know Linux hosting memory management back to front as well as how to keep the LCP under the Google PageSpeed threshold by optimizing JavaScript? I doubt it (but if you do, and happen to be reading this, consider joining our team!) We are a team of experts who partner with other experts to provide our clients with the best experience possible.

b) The offshore enthusiast.
This dev just wants to save as much money as possible – outsourcing your hosting to an offshore provider and making it ‘someone else’s problem’. However, this comes with significant risks. If something goes wrong, getting timely support can be a nightmare… or downright impossible. Worse yet, if the team overseas disappears entirely, you’re left scrambling to find a solution, often at a much higher cost. So much for peace of mind!

c) The ‘stuck in the 90s’.
This dev looooves Livin’ la vida loca and hasn’t changed their music taste, or hosting infrastructure, since 1999. In plain terms, they’re hosting your site on CPanel, which is the equivalent of streaming Netflix on a Nokia. These ancient systems are bloated and slow, leading to poor website performance and lower search engine rankings. With slow speeds and outdated technology, your site will struggle to compete in today’s fast-paced digital environment, causing potential clients to look elsewhere.

In all honesty, it’d be much cheaper for us to stitch you up with one of these options. But we don’t, because we know (and have seen firsthand!) why they suck. Between being unreliable, slow, insecure and outdated – our hosting and maintenance package is tailored to combat all these issues and ensure you’re not losing out on clients.

Experience Unmatched Hosting and Maintenance with Simple Pixels
But how are we any different? We use the WordPress hosting solution that WordPress technicians themselves back. This means our hosting is not only optimized for performance and security by the very experts who know the platform inside out, but it also ensures we stay ahead with the latest updates and best practices. Partnering with WP Engine, recognized as the #1 managed WordPress hosting provider, allows us to leverage their cutting-edge technology and infrastructure, giving your website the reliability and speed it needs to excel.

1. Speed and Scalability

Imagine launching a new campaign only to find your website struggling to handle the influx of visitors. At Simple Pixels, this isn’t something you’ll ever need to worry about. Our hosting, powered by WP Engine, guarantees lightning-fast response times and seamless scalability, thanks to industry-leading infrastructure and proprietary EverCache technology. Our partnership with WP Engine also means Simple Pixels has access to a global CDN, with 200 data centres worldwide, to guarantee peak performance and capacity no matter where your visitors are located. Not only this, but this also means we have access to leading infrastructure technicians, 24/7.

2. Unmatched Security

Security is paramount for any online business. A single hack can cause significant brand damage and loss of trust. Our hosting package includes state-of-the-art security measures including DDoS protection, global edge security, and managed WAF through our partnership with Cloudflare Enterprise. We also adhere to the highest international security standards with annual SOC 2 audits and an ISO 27001 certification, ensuring your data is always safe.

3. Reliable Uptime and Backups

Downtime can be detrimental to your business. What happens if your website goes down during peak business hours? Our hosting service boasts an impressive 99.99% SLA, ensuring your site remains accessible to your audience. Additionally, we provide 40-day backups and visual regression testing, so any updates that cause errors can be quickly rolled back, minimizing any disruptions.

4. Comprehensive Maintenance and Updates

Staying up-to-date with the latest WordPress, plugin, and theme updates are crucial for security and performance. Think of the hassle involved in manually updating and managing your site, only to run into compatibility issues or busted plugins. Our maintenance plan handles all these updates, along with PHP/MySQL updates, ensuring your site runs smoothly and securely, 24/7. We also provide monthly analytics and maintenance reports, so you stay informed about your site’s performance without lifting a finger.

5. And… a whole heap of complementary inclusions!

Aside from the four points above, our plan also bundles in roughly ~$700 p/a worth of inclusions at no additional cost. How good!

Some of these include :

  • WP Rocket Caching and Minification for A Grade page speeds.
  • Imagify Image Optimization for even faster loading times, and device-oriented content loading.
  • Elementor Pro for powerful, user-friendly page building.
  • Mailgun for reliable email delivery and configuration.
  • Google Dev API keys for enhanced site functionality and analysis.
  • Gravity Forms Elite and Advanced Custom Fields Pro for advanced form building and site customization.
  • Trust Index Pro for displaying Google and Facebook reviews to build credibility.

Don’t Settle for Less

Your website is too important to entrust to subpar hosting solutions. Our hosting and maintenance plan at Simple Pixels ensures that your site is fast, secure, and always available. We provide the infrastructure, support, and features needed to keep your online presence thriving and your business growing.

Ready to experience the difference with Simple Pixels? Contact us today to learn more about our hosting and maintenance package and how it can benefit your business. Don’t let your website be a weak link – make it a powerful asset with our industry-leading solutions.

Ready to skyrocket your business?