We have had the privilege of being apart of the journey of kindloook.com and involved in the coding of the platform. For anyone that hasn’t seen it, go and check it out, its a movement where people can record the kindness they see in the world. We would love you to jump onboard and mark the map!

Coding this was a lot of fun. The tech stack and integrations we used included some of the following:

  • Laravel Jetstream (team features coming soon to Kindloook! )
  • Livewire – this was our first major use of Laravel Livewire and to be honest, its a game changer!
  • Algolia search integration
  • Mailgun integration
  • Laravel Spark
  • Laravel Nova backend
  • Intervention of Imagery before hitting network for app like feel
  • Daisy UI
  • AWS integration
  • Pusher integration for notifications
  • oAuth with o365 and gSuite


Looking for a custom web app or starting a movement? Give us a call 🙂



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