My nerd mates are constantly laughing at the fact that I use a Mac. I in turn make Windows the butt of most of my jokes. How could they be so uncultured? Do they not appreciate nicely made icons, nice displays, I could go on.

I was thinking about it while shaving this morning, and remember I wasn’t always so wise.

I use to go up to Armidale most years for Christmas as a kid, my nan and pop (or mama and papa as we called them – both who have since passed) lived in a house overlooking what was then farm land. So many fond memories of Mama’s Sri Lankan curries, trips to gnome land (the creek), opening our presents after midnight mass.

Papa use to always have a twinkle in his eye, and use any opportunity he got to duck away to his study and ‘use’ his Mac. It was one of those old big cube type setups. I have no idea what he was doing, probably just escaping the chaos of having the whole family around.

Papa use to teach Geography at UNE and then in his later years, peace studies.

He ran and maintained his own website, which today I think was pretty amazing for someone that was 80yrs old at the time.

Dad bought our first windows PC when I was about 10. I Loved it. Every single part of it. Even DOS and Windows.

It’s funny – it doesn’t take long before you think you know better.

As a teen, I would think Papa has no idea about computers, he is stuck using this backwards Mac, where you couldn’t even right click! He would laugh it off with a ‘you will see grasshopper, in time’ (my nickname – not because I was good at karate, but because I had  skinny long legs).

It would be years later, that I saw the first iPhone. It changed everything. Nice icons, fluid animations, nice to hold and nice to use.

And bit by bit – I converted.

There is only one reason I would buy a PC today, and it would be to play Age of Empires. But I recently discovered cross over and can play it on my Mac. Thank you cross over legends.

As the grey hair starts to come through my beard, I remember how proud Papa would be of this moment.

For all the Windows users, I will leave you with a fitting quote.

A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them. John C Maxwell

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