Build a Website From Scratch

If you are looking to build a website on your own and don’t really know how to code, there are some great tools out there to help you! You’ll find dozens of web creation software, “build a website from scratch” sites are popping up all the time!

Just a few pointers to keep in mind:

1) Not all website creation software is created equally. Depending on what you want to do, its worth asking yourself:

  • Does my chosen Content Management System support everything I want to do with my site?
  • Is my CMS quick to load? How does it treat images, thumbnails, optimisation? Does it simply add “bloat” to everything it touches? What are the caching features like?
  • Most sites should definitely scale to mobile these days, don’t bother if it doesn’t. But on top of that – what are the Search Engine Optimisation tools that are pre-built into my CMS?
  • What is the support like should I get stuck when trying to build a website?
  • Am I able to accurately measure my site’s performance? You can’t effectively manage what you can’t measure.

2) Not all themes are created equally. Sometimes you could purchase a beautiful theme that really does need coding knowledge to get it up and running – and should you want something slightly different….erk! Other themes are fantastic and give you plenty of customisation features. Unfortunately knowing the difference usually comes with some experience as they all try to sell you on the good stuff!

3) What sort of plugins are available? Do I have limits on what I can install? And what sort of plugins should I avoid that will grind my site to a halt?

The best way to figure out the solutions to these issues is to go ahead, dive in and play! It’s an exciting digital era.

Should you:

  • not have the time nor inkling to pursue this path of experimentation
  • value google rank
  • want people that know the pitfalls / benefits associated with different methods of creating websites

we know a guy

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